2020.09.25 15:00
周一至周日 10:00-22:00
Nancy’s Gallery
Gala Mall 2F-210,Lane 66,Yincheng Rd,Shanghai
Monday to Sunday:10:00-22:00
Nancy Lee
策展助理/Curatorial Assisants
郑媛元, 胡柯雯, 陈璐昀, 沈沁媛
Paper Edge / Mixed Media (Paper)
What will those who have not touched my blood speaking of my poetry?The line comes from Neruda’s famous ‘Libro de las preguntas’.Neruda had three themes in his life: love, poetry and revolution. His rendering ofall three themes is extreme, pushing them to the heights of Machu Picchu. In the form of ink, in the form of poetry, Neruda presented his deafening cry, his confounding desires, and his gentle chanting to the world.The artists’ worldsare interlinked, such as poetry filled with enthusiasm, such as paintings expressingfeelings, such as songs praisingsouls. Those unrestful feelings walking alone and rebirthing experiences through firearouse the deep lamentfrom the bottom of the heart, urging himto send out a solid and vigorous passion and inspiration, consequently presenting works on the paper.那些未感受过我人生的人 会怎样评我的画?冉启泉亦是如此,只不过液体的墨水变成了固体的纸,或如花绽放,或似山缄默,层层叠叠的厚重,这是属于艺术家的铁血柔情。纸张太薄,承载不住思想的厚重,便化纸为墨,以纸作画,突破形式的局限,追求更为本真的自我表达。纸是属于他的浪漫。堆叠的纸张从回忆中来,厚重;堆叠的纸张拘在画框里,厚重;堆叠的纸张印现在世人的眼中,厚重。层层的重量堆砌出了艺术家想要的力度,也压实了喷涌的情感。冉启泉纸刃系列
Paper Edge Series
What would those who have not felt my life commenting my artworks?Converting fromthe liquid ink to a solid paper, or blooming, or silencing, the layering thickness belongs tothe artist’s unique tender feelings. The paper was too thin to bear the weight of ideas, so they turned paper into ink and paintings to break through the limitations of forms and pursue a truerself-expression. Paper is hisownromance. Stacked papercomesfrom his memory,heavy; stacked paper stuck in the frame, heavy; stacked paper impressed in the world, heavy. It is exactly these heaviness brings out the power the artist wants, spreading his emotions to his works and solidifying the gushing feelings.
《花系列》 纸质综合材料
Flower Series / Mixed Media (Paper)
本次展览艺术家突破了常规创作材料的局限,进行不断的试探与摸索。与此同时,他依旧保留了对油画色彩张力和笔触肌理的理解,将情感延伸到作品,引导我们去往他内心的世界。四川美院教授、著名艺术评论家王林谈到,冉启泉作品提供了一种可能性,就是把媒材和资讯、社会和历史、知识和人文的相互关系,做了具体、有效的个人连接,以个性化的创新性改变艺术作为消费对象的普遍形状。说到底,观念艺术的感觉性和架上艺术的观念化,都是当代艺术可以选择的创作方向,而冉启泉作品正是从新表现主义和新写意主义两个维度,对于文化表达与文化反省所作出的重要贡献。正如著名批评家、策展人杜曦云所说,当代艺术一方面是在表达方式、材料方面的无边的解放—任何方式、材料都可以;另一方面是对“观念”水准的无限苛求—不是手艺的竞赛,是智慧的较量。In this exhibition, hosted by Nancy’s Gallery, accompanied with CouttsArt Center and Gala Mall,the artist Ran Qiquan breaks through the limitation of the conventional creative materials, and carry out constant exploration. At the same time, he still retains his understanding of the color tension and brushwork texture of the oil painting, and extends his emotions to his works, leading us to his inner world.Wang Lin, a professor at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and a famous art critic, said that Ran Qiquan’s works provide a possibility to make concrete and effective personal connections between media, information, society, history, knowledge and humanity. Wang believes that the sensibility of conceptual art and the observation of easel art are the creative directions that contemporary art can choose, and Ran Qiquan’s works are the two dimensions of new expressionism and new Freehand brushwork, which have made important contributions to cultural expression and cultural reflection. As Xiyun Du said, contemporary art is the boundless liberation of expression and material - any means and material can be used; and an insatiable demand for ideas. It is not a contest of skill, but a contest of wisdom.走近艺术家冉启泉的
About the Artist
《纸刃2020.05.07》 综合材料宣纸
Paper Edge2020.05.07 / Mixed Media (Paper)
他的灵感来源于家乡的竹浆做纸的工艺。纸张是一个非常特殊的材料,而且分类也非常之多。不同重量的纸张,例如竹浆纸 ,报纸,宣纸,书都是冉启泉能够运用的材料。这也代表了纸张的实际重量和它所表达的力量方面的一个很大的区别。通过对纸张原有结构的破坏与重构,冉启泉实现了在艺术中极致的纸叠剖面的曲线之美。正是因为大胆采用了纸张这一个材料,他的作品打破了传统固化对艺术这一概念的模式。对于冉启泉来说,起源于对纸张这一种特别形式的表达,作品最终是对他内心世界一个展现。正因为使用的材料,创作的过程特殊才最终形成了独特完美的作品。在冉启泉的作品中,我们可以感受到他用纸张来承载的情感,以及画作的温度。在和纸、火相伴的日子里,冉启泉逐步牵引出自己的诸多感悟。依托个人的美学趣味和人生经验,他逐渐走向对特定文化共同体的历史和现状的关照,做出他个人的阶段性判断。这种个人化的判断,对休戚与共的其他人也是有参考意义的。主办单位 Orangised by: Nancy’s Gallery
协办单位 Supported by: CouttsArt Center, Gala Bay
南希画廊(Nancy’s Gallery)成立于2006年,坐落在上海田子坊和陆家嘴的GALA MALL。担纲艺术主持的是沪上著名艺术经纪人、策展人Nancy Lee。画廊合作代理了30多位中外优秀当代艺术家的架上绘画、雕塑、装置、新媒体艺术等作品。其中代表艺术家有冉启泉、杜海军、何俊、 肖颖、廖扬,章华、尤洋、李月领、刘婷、Jean Dolande、Rodica Iliesco、Klaus Scheckenbach、Franz Burkhardt等。他们的作品被诸多国内外个人藏家以及知名机构收藏,包括中国国家美术馆、国家大剧院、英国渣打银行、香港海港城、上海普华永道等。Nancy’s Gallery, founded in 2006,is locatedinTianzifang and Lujiazui GalaMall in Shanghai. The founder,Nancy Lee, is a well-known art broker and curator in Shanghai. The gallery has represented more than 30 outstanding Chinese and foreign contemporary artists on paintings, sculptures, installations, new media art and other works. The represented artists includeRan Qiquan, Du Haijun, He Jun、Xiao Ying, Zhang Hua, Yu Yang, Li Yueling, Liu Wei, Liao Yang, Jean Dolande, Rodica Iliesco, Klaus Scheckenbach, Franz Burkhardt,etc. Their works have beencollected by a number of domestic and foreign collectors as well as well-known institutions, including the National Art Museum of China, the National Theatre, Standard Chartered Bank, Hong Kong Harbour City, Shanghai PricewaterhouseCoopers, etc.关于库茨艺术
库茨艺术(Coutts Art International Holdings, CAIH)携手中信集团打造的库茨艺术中心 (Coutts Art Center, CAC)将于 2020 年 9月正式对社会公众开放。CAC希望借助陆家嘴的地理优势,在本土与世界之间建立传播的枢纽,让艺术更好地融入当地社区的同时,能够凭借自身的独特性在国际发声。旗下包括:库茨艺术中心(CAC)、WW新主张品牌、库茨艺术教育、CouttsArt Store四大品牌,涵盖艺术家(艺术展览/项目)亚洲独家代理、艺术创作、年轻艺术家孵化、大型公共艺术项目策划和组织(艺术小镇规划)、商业跨界合作、媒体运营、艺术公益事业、美术馆(艺术空间)运营及收藏等功能,是一个复合式的当代文化艺术集成平台。
Welcome all of you to this exhibition!