SH Contemporary 2011 announces NEW DIRECTOR | SH Contemporar

2022-05-18 12:13:38 来源:网络整理

SH Contemporary 2011 – press release October 21, 2010SH Contemporary 2011 announces NEW DIRECTORSH Contemporary is pleased to announce the appointment of Massimo Torrigiani as its new Fair Director. Torrigiani will be responsible for the next editions of The Asia Pacific Art Fair, and has already started working for Shanghai Contemporary 2011 which will take place at Shanghai Exhibition Centre from September 9-11, 2011.“I want SH Contemporary to keep its position as the most important contemporary art fair in mainland China; an insider’s guide to develop international business and projects in the Chinese and Asia Pacific markets”, declared Torrigiani. “The most successful, lasting projects I know are grassroots; where you start working in the local environment and then expand to new territories. I don"t believe in imposed cultural models. I want to listen to the gallerists, artists, collectors, institutions, and partners with interest and experience in China and in Asia. Then we will nurture a proficient platform to attract their international counterparts. To support the development of Shanghai as a global capital of the arts, a hub for the Chinese and Asian art worlds”.

Massimo Torrigiani is the co-founder and director of Boiler Corporation, a publishing company and creative agency focused on contemporary visual arts and culture, which also produces Milan and New York-based Fantom - Photographic Quarterly. Torrigiani was previously the co-editor of international art magazine Boiler, and editor-in-chief of Italian style magazine Rodeo. He carried out academic research on the relationship between cultural policies and urban regeneration, organized art events and conferences in Italy and abroad, and worked extensively as a strategic and communication consultant for publishing, fashion and design companies. He was born in Bari, Italy, in 1966 and is based in Milan.

Colin Chinnery, who was the director of the last two editions of the fair, and contributed a great deal to the development of Shanghai Contemporary, has resigned his position to devote more time to his own work. He will however remain involved with the fair working as a consultant for SH Contemporary 2011.Established in 2007, SH Contemporary is an essential art fair in Asia. Its leading position in China, focus on experimental ideas, and commitment to developing new collectors in the region, has made it a fair with a clear vision for the future of the Asian market. SH Contemporary is produced by Bolognafiere S.p.A.; organized in co-operation with the following Chinese partners: Shanghai International Cultural communication Association (SICCA), Shanghai Art Fair Organization Committee and Eastern Shanghai International Culture Film & Television Group.For enquiry please contact [email protected]

SH Contemporary 2011宣布新一任展会总监SH Contemporary上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展荣幸地宣布聘请Massimo Torrigiani先生担任新一任展会总监。Torrigiani先生将负责今后几届的展会,并已经投身于2011年展会的工作中。SH Contemporary 2011将于2011年9月9-11日在上海展览中心举办。“我将巩固SH Contemporary作为中国大陆最重要的当代艺术博览会的领头羊地位,继续发挥其对发展中国及亚太地区市场的国际事务与项目的业内指南作用。”Torrigiani先生说到。“草根是我所知道的最成功、存活最久的事物。只有在当地环境中生长,然后才能拓展到新的领域。我不认同强加的文化模式。我希望聆听对中国及亚洲有着浓厚兴趣与丰富经验的画廊、艺术家、收藏家、机构与合作伙伴的意见,然后为吸引其国际客户培育一个成熟的平台。将上海打造成艺术的国际化首都,中国与亚洲艺术界的焦点。” Massimo Torrigiani是Boiler Corporation的创始人之一兼总经理,该公司是一家从事有关当代视觉艺术与文化的出版企业与创意机构,同时也在米兰与纽约出版发行季刊摄影杂志Fantom - Photographic Quarterly。Torrigiani先生曾担任国际性艺术杂志Boiler的编辑以及意大利生活时尚杂志Rodeo的主编。他曾开展有关文化政策与城市形成发展之间关系的学术研究,在意大利及其它国家举办各类艺术活动与论坛,并担任众多出版、时尚与设计公司的战略公关顾问。曾担任上两届展会总监的秦思源,为SH Contemporary的发展作出了很大的贡献。为了投入更多的精力在其自己的事业上,秦思源辞去展会总监一职。然而他将仍然作为2011年展会的顾问,继续为展会献策。SH Contemporary创办于2007年,是亚洲重要的艺术博览会。SH Contemporary在中国具有的领头羊地位、注重实践性的理念、以及发展新兴收藏家的坚定信念,使其成为一个对未来亚洲市场具有清晰洞察力的博览会。

SH Contemporary由上海市国际文化传播协会促进,上海艺术博览会组委会,东上海国际文化影视集团,联袂意大利博罗尼亚展览集团共同主办。咨询请发送邮件至[email protected]

