展览 | 波涛无尽处,她在
In the Infinite Billows
2020.08.01 - 2020.09.05
“我是谁?我从哪里来?我要到哪里去?”古希腊哲学家柏拉图在两千多年前就提出了此哲学命题,展开对自我的探索。随着时间的推进,从浅显拙朴到精深微妙,人们对自我的理解不断发展。而作为自我认知的重点,人所不自知的部分被心理学家称之为“潜在我”和“背脊我”。如何探索这两个尚未被自知或他知的部分已逐渐成为当代人后知后觉的流行议题。本次展览将展出艺术家肖颖、刘婷的作品,通过两位女性艺术家独特的感知视角和表现手法构建出她们眼中的“自我空间”。试着将自我认知的语境延伸,在波涛无尽处——那个没有界限、未知坐标的彼端,或许终于能看清自己的轮廓。Introduction of the Exhibition
"Who Am I? Where did I come from? Where Am I going?" More than two thousand years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato put forward this philosophical proposition when exploring the concept of SELF. Over the time, people’s understanding of the SELF continues to develop. As the focal point of self-cognition, the part of a person that he or she does not know is what psychologists call the "potential me" and the "back me." How to explore these two parts that have not yet been known by ourselves or byothers has gradually become a popular issue in modern people’s hindsight.This exhibition features work made by artists Xiao Ying and Liu Ting, presenting the picture of their "self-space" through their unique perceptual perspectives and painting techniques. By extending the SELF in the context of self consciousness, we may finally be able to see ourselves in the boundless, unknown world.艺术家刘婷
Liu Ting was born in Zhejiang province in 1981, a graduate from Southwest University whose tutor is Ma Yidan a famous contemporary artist, and has travelled to Yunnan for 10 years, a remote location of Chinese territory that inspired plentiful oil paintings from her. In Liu’s expressionistic work there is a utility-free feminine perspective and a super-natural expression of light and color with a strong subjective connotation. Liu paints portraits with an aesthetic pursuit that transcends individualism and embraces scenery and values. Though a petite woman herself, her artworks present bold use of color and maturity.
宛若微风 Light as breeze120cm x 100cm
刘婷于2015年日本东京国际美术大展获村山富市奖(最高的奖项),该展最高艺术顾问:日本前首相村山富市,举办地点在上野公园的东京都美术馆,第64届众议院副议长卫藤征士郎接见了刘婷等九位获奖画家,并且在展后参观了日本国会(日本的最高决策地)。展方还在日本美术杂志《美术世界》上发表了中日两国艺术家的简介,刘婷占了两个版面。2017年,刘婷在纽约的个展“来自勐巴娜西的一阵清风”,在纽约的曼哈顿艺术区引起了不小的轰动,吸进了世界的目光。In 2015, Liu Ting won the Tomiichi Murayama Award--the highest award in Tokyo International Art Fair which took place in Tokyo National Museum. She was warmly received by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan and then visited the Diet of Japan after the exhibition. The exhibitor also published a profile of Chinese and Japanese artists in the Japanese magazine "Art World" where Liu Ting covers two pages. In 2017, Liu Ting’s solo exhibition "A Breeze Comes from Meng Bana Xi" caused a stir in the Manhattan art district in New York and attracted the world’s attention.艺术家肖颖
玫瑰 Roses 30cm x 40cm
肖颖的作品通过欧洲中世纪前丹培拉技法表现了独特的张力,创造出一片神秘而引人入胜的艺术空间。她将东方元素和自己的观念在作品中创新结合,传达对自然的关照以及内心朴素归真的心境。通过诗性绘画,她力图在画面中寻找一个心理空间的存在,以逃离生活和自我的困局。Xiao Ying’sartworks using the ancient European technique of Tempera, createa mysterious and inviting arena of art., express the artist’s subjective emotions in simple compositions. She integrates Eastern elements and her artistic concepts in her works to convey her care for nature and wish for simplicity.“
Welcome all of you to this exhibition!